Athletes Pre-Game Sportsmanship Statement

A Pregame Athletes' Sportsmanship Statement

While announcements provided at games by a public address announcer, often which include a sportsmanship statement, is an effective vehicle to keep spectators informed, having a representative athlete from each team artculate the guidelines of sportsmanship for that contest can provide greater attention and impact. 

Below are some sample sportsmanship expectation scripts read before contests by participating athletes that some of our member schools have chosen to employ.


To be read by a representative participant from each team

(Home team student/athlete): 
“Hello! My name is:_(name)_ from _(home school)_ High School and this is _(name of visiting school representative)_ from _(name of visiting school)_.  On behalf of  _(home school)_ High School, I would like to welcome  _(name of visiting school representative)  and the rest of the students, coaches and fans from _(visiting school)_to  _(name of the facility)_ for tonight’s game.  Together we are here to remind everyone that both of these teams have worked equally hard in preparation for tonight’s game and both deserve your vigorous support and respect.”

(Visiting student/athlete): 
“The students of our two schools enthusiastically support the Principles of ‘Pursuing Victory with Honor” and we request that all cheering be done in a positive and respectful manner.  As well, we do not consider berating or disrespecting your opponents or the game officials as being ‘classy’, ‘funny’ or ‘cool’ behavior.”

(Home team student/athlete): 
“Please remember that this game is for us, the students of both _(home school)_  and ­­_(visiting school)_. Please allow everyone here to experience the real fun and enjoyment of high school _(sport being played)_.  
Thank you!"



To be read by a representative participant from each team

(Home team student/athlete): 
“We would like to welcome all of you to tonight’s game and thanks for support high school athletics.  The athletes playing tonight from both teams have worked very hard an appreciate your support and encouragement.  In the spirit of ‘Honoring the Game’ we ask that you review the code of good sportsmanship”.

(Visiting student/athlete): 
“What is sportsmanship?  A true sportsman is a person who can take a loss or defeat without complaint or victory without gloating, and who treats his/her opponents with fairness and respect.”

(Home team student/athlete): 
“We the players and coaches of _(home school)_ High School and _(name of visiting school) , as well as the cheerleaders, parents and spectators are expected to respect these values of sportsmanship and are encouraged to help us eliminate all possibilities which threaten them. 

(Visiting student/athlete): 
“We all need to show courtesy, acceptance and understanding towards each other remembering that theis athletic contest is ‘only a game’ and not a matter of life and death for the players and coaches.”

(Home team student/athlete): 
“Together we can be a part of a much need message sent throughout our communities that interscholastic athletics promotes and develops lifetime values when fueled by good sportsmanship.  Together we all win!”

(Visiting student/athlete): 
“The following behaviors are unacceptable at all CIF/CCS contests:

  • Berating your opponents players or mascot
  • Obscene cheers or gestures
  • Negative signs or posters
  • Artificial noise makers
  • Complaining about the official’s calls either verbally or by way of negative gestures

Thank you!”